The Board
The Laguna Niguel Sr. Citizens Club Board of Directors consists of 13 Directors at this time.
Each Director’s term is for two years. In November Annual Elections are held; approximately 1/2 of the directors are up for election each year. A Nominating Committee submits candidate names and a ballot is included in the October Newsletter; it is also possible to nominate candidates “from the floor” at the 3rd Friday November luncheon. Ballots are available in the Sr. Office as well. Ballots are counted immediately after the 3rd Friday November luncheon.

Yvonne Davis

Steve Morris
Vice President
Membership Chairperson

Marc Winer
Vice President

Willie Goodman

Linda Hitt
Board Members
Yvonne Davis – President
Steve Morris – Vice President (also Membership Chairperson)
Willie Goodman – Treasurer
Linda Hitt – Secretary
Betty Pequet – Historian
Geri Grignano – Care and Concern
Nancy Hull – Entertainment Committee/Bingo
Sandy Simonson
Ilona Thompson